Phoenix/New Freedom Programs offers a cost-effective, easily-implemented range of treatment resources for mental health facilities. From a library of workbooks for individual use to a complete small group curriculum, we can provide a full range of programming to fit your specific needs and dosage.
All our materials feature outcome-driven, proven-effective content built on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI change model), social learning theory (skills modeling, practice, and mastery), and selected Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills. Everything is delivered in a carefully structured approach that helps ensure successful treatment that you can document. These program resources can be shaped to address residential, outpatient, and forensic populations.
A Library of 300+ Workbooks for Individual Use!
We offer a comprehensive selection of workbook-based resources for use with individual clients in a variety of topic areas, including:- Preparation for treatment
- Self-discovery
- Understanding your feelings
- Functional thinking (CBT)
- Turning points
- Coping skills
- Relapse prevention, transition, and aftercare
- Forensic resources
- Spanish language resources
Lesson-Based Resources For A Wide Range Of Group Treatment
Our lesson-based resources feature one-hour lessons that include workbook content, worksheets, focused short elements and summary activities. Our ready-to-implement lesson-based programs include:
Substance Abuse
This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Each module presents a mini-journey through the stages of change, starting out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ending with Action Planning resources. Participants may enter the program at any point, with Pre-Contempltion resources just around the corner! Available in adult, juvenile, and female versions.
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
Abuse Aftercare — We have
hundreds of hours of CBT-based, MI-infused workbooks that cover all
aspects of transition and relapse prevention. Ideal to follow up on
residential or intensive outpatient treatment, and provide seamless
continuity of care.
Download a PDF
file listing of our Returning Home and Relapse Prevention resources
Behavioral Health
Symptoms Management Curriculum — Specifically
designed for the most
serious and persistent mental illness, this
easy-to-implement new curriculum is based on Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI change model), social
learning theory (skills modeling, practice, and mastery), and selected
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills.
Based on a
program at use at Riker’s Island Jails, this comprehensive, 50-hour
program addresses a variety of common symptoms as well as specific
overlays for Psychotic Spectrum and Mood Disorder symptoms.
The program makes a clear
connection between client changes (med
compliance and new coping skills) and feeling better (symptom
frequency, intensity, and duration). It includes critical
overlays for self-injury and anger/aggression/violence, along with a
comprehensive set of skills for interpersonal competence. An
emphasis on Situational
Confidence in facing high-risk situations
addresses acting out behaviors, with specific tools including
Situational Confidence Questionnaires.
a PDF flyer with complete details
The Bridge
—Designed initially to provide residentially-based cognitive behavioral therapy in mental observation
units at Riker�s Island Jails in NYC, this flexible, modular program offers a solid, CBT-based approach
for mentally ill participants, enhanced with selected Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools, DBT
elements, and critical coping skills.
The Bridge features a core of 40 sessions, divided into four 10-session units, and two 10-session
mental health relapse prevention units for a total of 60 hours. An additional 12-session Managing
Aggression and Violence element is also provided, making a program total of 72 hours of
Each themed unit provides a brief stages-of-change based approach, sequentially addressing
precontemplation, contemplation, and key preparation/determination action steps. Shaped for this
population, they provide structure for staff, address key treatment outcomes, and include summary
elements within the curriculum to support program documentation. A critical advantage of this
modular approach is that it provides a high quality outcome-focused resource without mandating a
closed group programming model. This approach is designed to support both in-facility and
community programming.
Download a PDF flyer with more details!
Dual Diagnosis
A true Dual Diagnosis program featuring parallel substance abuse and mental health tracks that may be led by separate staff (substance abuse and mental health) - or by same staff member:
The core program is three (3) ten-hour units from the substance abuse resources and three (3) ten-hour units from the mental health resources. Extended program models available.
Critical combined session achieves specific behaviorally-stated objectives integrated to support individual treatment plans. Resources provide the critical demonstration of achievement of objectives for clinical supervision, program documentation, and assessment of outcomes.
Download a PDF flyer with complete details!
Topical Mental Health Resources
We offer a variety of special 10-sessison units covering key behavioral health issues:- Anger-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms and triggers to anger. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a Table of Contents in PDF - Anxiety-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms relating to anxiety. Additionally, the unit addresses feelings of guilt and shame. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management, especially anxiety. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a Table of Contents in PDF - Depression-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness and self-management of symptoms relating to sadness and depression. Additionally, the unit addresses grief, loss, loneliness, and boredom. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by DBT mindfulness activities, distress tolerance skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit provides many opportunities for problem solving and multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a Table of Contents in PDF - Trauma-- The primary focus of these resources is awareness, insight, and more effective self-management of the impact of distressful life experiences, such as past traumatic events. Key elements include a basic cognitive-behavioral (CBT) approach, supplemented by distress tolerance, affect regulation, and coping skills, and tools designed to assist awareness and motivation for successful symptoms self-management. This unit includes multiple Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools.
Download a Table of Contents in PDF
Functional Behavior Program
A comprehensive self-management program for inmates in mental health units. Tailored to help them transition from segregated or in-cell placement to successful adjustment in less-restricted settings, it is shaped to address adjustment issues with cellmates, with others in the unit, and with staff, it specifically addresses interpersonal problems, self-management, fighting, bullying and victimization. It includes 52 sessions in a core program and an optional extended-stay model of 60 additional lessons for skills development and practice.Download a PDF flyer with complete details!
Life Skills
Resources for improving life skills. Pathways to Daily Living and Interpersonal Communications Skills options include more than 100 one-hour lessons, with detailed lesson plans, client worksheets, and skill-building activities. Supplemented by Problem Solving program resources and our Vocational Readiness/Employment Preparation program.Click here for complete details!
More Information
If you have any questions about product, pricing, or how we can customize our materials for you, feel free to contact us by e-mail. If you are considering placing an order, please fill out our phone consultation form.